Here’s 12 Facebook groups about podcasts you can join

because Facebook isn’t cool anymore but Facebook groups about podcasts are the place to be

Dana Gerber-Margie
Bello Collective


Looking for ways to connect with people who are as excited about radio and podcasts as you are? Facebook might have lost its ~*~cool factor~*~ as a social media platform, but Facebook groups seem to be more alive than ever. Listening to audio is seen as an independent — perhaps lonely — affair, if stock photos are any indication (or podcasts are nothing but fancy mics in pristine focus with nobody around at all). But Facebook groups give us the opposite image: that after listening, people want to talk, gather, and support each other.

Image credit: Flickr (Facebook Infection)

We put together this list of some of the most vibrant communities around podcasting on Facebook:

1. Women in Recorded Sound

The purpose of this informal collective is to empower and provide support to women working with or having a general interest in recorded sound, to provide networking opportunities, to offer a platform for the free exchange of ideas/information, and to gather together socially.

2. Radio Preservation Task Force

Affiliated with the Radio Preservation Task Force of the National Recording Preservation Board of the Library of Congress. Updates about the project, and open forum to discuss endangered collections, digitization projects, and strategies for radio preservation.

3. Radio Women Rule the World

A laid back place for women reporters, producers, directors, hosts in public radio to chat and network.

This place is meant to be a place to connect with other women in radio. It’s a safe place to talk, and a place that’s meant to be inclusive to ALL women.

There’s only one rule in this group, and it’s that we have each other’s backs.

4. Podcasts!

This is a group for sharing, discovering, and discussing podcasts. Feel free to add anyone who might enjoy discovering new podcasts or anyone who has a podcast to share.

5. Podcast Brunch Club

Like book club, but for podcasts. PBC is a community of engaged podcast listeners. Every month we explore a theme by way of 1–5 hours of podcast listening selections. The online forums (Facebook group, Twitter, newsletter) are a great way to engage, but what we really want to do is transcend technology and get people together in person. PBC chapters meet face-to-face and discuss that month’s selections.

6. Podcasts We Listen To

Got a podcast you love? Something you think everyone should hear? Need another one to fill a spot in your playlist? Let’s talk about the…Podcasts We Listen To.

7. Podcast Movement

This is a place for people who have attended Podcast Movement in person or virtually, and for people who plan to attend future events!

8. Podcasters’ Support Group

This group is a meeting place for podcasters old and new to keep in touch, swap tips, seek advice about technical stuff or interviews or general podcast-related business; and, overall, it’s here for us to cheer each other up through the lonely grind that podcasting sometimes/often/always is. We sometimes convene in real life, too, so look out for details of upcoming meetups, and share yours if you’ve set one up.

9. History Podcasts

Are you a podcaster? A listener? Let’s meet, chat and share our love of history podcasts!

10. Just History Podcasts

History Podcasts. No politics.

11. The Podcasters’ Hangout

Podcasters’ Hangout was created to allow for the participation of community and collaboration of podcasters around the world.

12. She Podcasts

A safe place for women ONLY who podcast or who are setting up a show currently to ask questions, provide support, share resources, wins, and whatever else they like.

We know this isn’t a comprehensive list of groups to join, especially because we didn’t include the podcast-specific groups, like Still Buffering. What communities have you found helpful that we should add to this list? (Where else should we at Bello lurk for new podcasts?)

This list was inspired by a question in our Bello Collective Slack community forums. Want to join the conversation? Check out our membership program.

The Bello Collective is a publication + newsletter about podcasts and the audio industry. Our goal is to bring together writers, journalists, and other voices who share a passion for the world of audio storytelling.

